
Why Maxwell’s?

I could wax poetic its about years of existence, thriving music bookings, and more (and maybe I will someday; at least I worked on the Maxwell’s Wikipedia entry back in 2006), but Lisa & I went there for cocktails last night and there is one aspect of the Maxwell’s experience that I just love to pieces:

There is only one small TV in the whole place. And it’s not easily visible.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, to everyone who keeps that tradition going.

In 1985, NYC local channel 5 produced a special about “The Hoboken Sound.” I was surprised when owner Steve Fallon asked me what he should do because he didn’t have any TVs in the place. I suggested that for the night the special was being broadcast he fill the place with TVs, which he did.

I believe that after the special finished, the TVs were turned off.

It was a fun night, if I recall correctly.

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