Category Archives: Random

A Complaint

We visited the Navesink Twin-Lights yesterday. Included in one of their displays was a letter of complaint:

Richard Lamb
Civil & Electrical Engineer
One Broadway
New York City
July 26, 1898

Hon. Lyman S. Gage
Secretary U. N. S. Treasury
Washington, D. C.

My dear Sir:-

I own a summer residence on the Navesink Highlands in the rear of the “Twin Lights”. Recently a revolving electric flash light has been put in one of the light-house towers. Its spasmodic flash strikes my house at constant intervals, and the ladies of my home are made nervous and irritated by the ever repeating flash.

There is no occasion for this nuisance, as any light rays outside of an arc of 190 degrees inclusive of the ocean front is of no value to vessels, and the remaining arc of the circle facing the land, can be screened without great expense.

I should be grateful if you would give this matter your personal consideration, as not alone of my home, but a large number of valuable summer homes are depreciated in value by what is universally considered by these property owners, as an insufferable nuisance.

Yours very truly,

Richard Lamb

Then we ate at Bahr’s Landing.