“It’s the Fourth, let’s have a fifth.”

Dolly lights a candle.

My dad’s mom was a pip. She loved to laugh, party, drink, sing.

Look at that picture above. Just look at it.

The gloves. The hat. The beard. The apron.

Look at her son Will’s face, reflecting a lifetime of bemusement at his mother’s antics.

Her daughter Claire passed along a Dolly quote regarding the Fourth of July, which is the title of this, my inaugural blog entry.

I can’t guarantee I’ll have a fifth today, but I will laugh, party, drink and if I’m lucky, sing. Who’s with me?

2 thoughts on ““It’s the Fourth, let’s have a fifth.”

  1. Margaret Kranz

    Love it. Although she died when I was young, I have many clear memories of her and our great family times together. Great start to the blog, Rand.


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